Sam Feldstein's Notebook
Main Site

Rejection Letters

"The Gift God Left"


Hello Sam.

Thanks for submitting your work. Regretfully, we won't be adding it to our pages on Typishly. Only a fraction of what we receive is selected, so even very good writing must sometimes be left out.

We're grateful you chose to share your creativity with us. Strong premise: 'In my game, I am God... I too dwell in the clouds.' Smiled at: 'I like to take naps too.' Notable writing: 'Their mouths will open at my behest.' Well expressed: 'spirits, rain-battered and seared by rage, will harden into a bulwark against my love.' Clever notion: 'Before I go, I will leave my people with a gift: the hope that I will return.'

Be well. Be creative.



Dear Sam,

Thank you for submitting "The Gift God Left" to Uncanny Magazine for consideration. Unfortunately, we're going to pass on this one. It just didn't work for us.

We look forward to reading further submissions from you.


The Uncanny Magazine Editors


Dear Sam—

We’re writing to thank you for your flash fiction submission,  "The Gift God Left.” Unfortunately, it was not accepted for publication in MetaStellar for this publication cycle.

We had hundreds of submissions this submission cycle and your story didn’t make it through all the rounds of judging.

If you have any questions, please contact submissions editor Geordie Morse at [email protected].

We wish you the best of luck in finding a home for your story elsewhere and hope that you will continue to submit your work in future submission cycles.

If you would like to be notified of future submission cycles, contests, and other MetaStellar news of interest to writers, please subscribe to our writer newsletter.

You can also subscribe to our reader newsletter, which features all the latest stories, essays, and reviews, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.

And don’t forget that we always welcome essays, reviews, reprints, and excerpts. There is no payment for these articles, but we include your bio and links to your social media pages, websites, and Amazon links. Plus, acceptance and publication are much more immediate.

Again, our best wishes for your writing career and we hope to work with you in the future.




Dear Sam,

We regret to inform you that your piece, "The Gift God Left", has not been accepted for publication at this time. We wish you the best in your journey as a writer and an artist and encourage you to submit again in the future.

Thank you very much for your submission!

The Metaworker Literary Magazine

Zombies Need Brains

Zombies Need Brains LLC wants to thank you for your submission to the ARTIFICE & CRAFT anthology. While we enjoyed reading the story, we have decided to pass on including it in the anthology.

We hope to see submissions from you in our future anthologies and wish you luck in finding a home for this story elsewhere. Please keep watch for future themes and open calls at and check out our online store at You can also keep track of us on Facebook (, Twitter (@ZNBLLC), or by signing up for our newsletter at Get a peek behind the scenes of ZNB or check out our online magazine ZNB Presents at our Patreon:

Joshua Palmatier, Founder/Editor
David B. Coe/Editor
Edmund R. Schubert/Editor

"The Glimmering Thing"

Tales to Terrify

Hello Sam,

We want to thank you for submitting "The Glimmering Thing" to Tales to Terrify. We have decided not to accept it for publication and wish you success publishing your story elsewhere.


The Fiction Team

Three-Lobed Burning Eye

Sam Wise,

Thank you for sharing your story with Three-Lobed Burning Eye magazine. After careful consideration, we have decided this piece is not quite for us. We wish you the best in finding its home, and look forward to reading more from you.

Andrew F.

"Karma and the Feline Disposition"

The Sun

Dear Sam,

Thanks for sending us "Karma and the Feline Disposition." We're sorry to say that this submission isn't right for The Sun.

This isn't a reflection on your writing. The selection process is highly subjective, something of a mystery even to us. There's no telling what we'll fall in love with, what we'll let get away.

Writing is hard work, and writers merit some acknowledgment. This note doesn't speak to that need. Please know, however, that we've read your work and appreciate your interest in the magazine.

We wish you the best in placing your writing elsewhere.

The Editors

The Sun