Hi, I'm Sam Feldstein
Welcome to my digital notebook, also known as a second brain or a digital garden. I call it a notebook, because a notebook is something you write in and that's what I'm doing here. It's not dissimilar to a commonplace book or a waste book. It's the place I go to figure things out. In that spirit, a lot of notes are unpolished and incomplete.
I've made this notebook public for two reasons: The first is that I like the idea of working with the garage door up. Second, I've learned so much from people writing on the internet that I feel obligated to pay it forward.
If you'd like to follow my writing here, you can subscribe to my atom feed. I recommend NetNewsWire for Mac users and NewsBlur for everyone else.
If you prefer to subscribe by email, you can use Blogtrottr to route the feed to your inbox.
So have a look around. You can start by purusing the tags page, typing random words into the search bar, or reading more about this website in my notes on the subject. If you happen to find anything useful or interesting, send me an email. I'd love to hear about it.
Happy reading!