Sam Feldstein's Notebook
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What is the part of our brain that can't distinguish fiction from reality?

This is the part of our brain that let's us enjoy stories. It's also the part of our brain that makes us believe in magic when we're younger. Is it also the part of our brain that makes people believe in God and astrology.


Instead of asking if someone is gritty, we should ask when they are.

David Epstein, Range

You could say that about any personality trait. Don't ask if you are extraverted. Ask when you are extraverted.

Know thyself

Don't ask if you are something. Ask when you are something. See personality.

If you want to learn about yourself, you have to try things.

We learn who we are in practice, not in theory.

David Epstein, Range

I know who I am when I see what I do.
