Sam Feldstein's Notebook
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Everyone Wears a Headset

People aren't so great at telling the difference between fiction and reality. Think of the QAnon people, or people who put too much stock in astrology (which is to say, any stock at all), or people who believe in a literal Godhead. It's like these people literally occupy another reality. Henrick Karlsson once put it that everybody has a different headset on, and so some people see monsters that aren't there.

We're all wearing headsets. But where some people attempt to calibrate, most don't.

It doesn't help that it's taboo to tell people their ideas are insane, because that's tanatmount to telling them they're insane. And I agree that calling somebody insane isn't going to change their mind. But I wish more people felt less attached to speicific ideas and more attached the ideal of truth. That way, we don't invest so much of ourselves in beliefs, but rather in the pursuit of truth. This way, rexamination of beliefs becosme integral to who we are.

And actually, maybe the idea of belief goes out the window entirely, because in order to believe something you have to have drawn a conclusion that you now hold to be truth. But maybe it's less about saying, "Okay, this true," so much as, "Okay, I think thisk might be true, so I'm going to treat it as an assumption until I see evidence to the contrary."