D&D Stealth-Kills
See also: These rules and these rules.
- The Kill Zone. In order to stealth-kill a target, the attacker must strike the target’s vitals, known as the kill zone.
- Melee Attacks. If the attacker is wielding a melee weapon, they must approach the target undetected. Perception checks (including passive) made by the target to detect the attacker have advantage.
- Ranged Attacks. Because the shot is so precise, the target gains a +5 to its AC against ranged attacks that target its kill zone. Note that the attacker may miss the kill zone but still hit the target.
- Lethal Strike. If the attacker hits the target’s kill zone, they score an automatic critical hit. If the target has hit points remaining after the damage is dealt, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die.
- Surprise. The target of an attempted stealth kill is surprised even if the attack misses.