Hedonic Design
Updated onVariators keep experiences fresh. I think this is because they keep memories...memorable.
A rollercoaster that travels in a straight flat line would be very boring.
So when we design experiences, we are
I think a huge element of this is surprise.
So if you take joy in delighting other people, look for ways to surprise them. Here's a few:
- Give them a compliment
- Crack a joke
- Call them out of the blue
- Cook them a meal
- Bring them flowers
- Bring them coffee and breakfast in bed
Kindness is key. The more opportunities you can find to be kind, the better life will be. Kindess is surprising because by definition it isn't necessary.
Look for opportunities to turn life into "life, but more so."
This is hard because it takes work, and often guts. Guts because sometimes you swing and miss.